Sasisekar Krish is the founder CEO of NanoPix ISS (P) Ltd. NanoPix is an Image Processing and Industry Automation company which provides solution based on image processing and control system in various fields of application including sports, industry controls, bio-technology and security industries. NanoPix also has a team of experts who design and develop algorithms at abstract level and convert them into applications in various fields like Bioinformatics, Image Processing and VLSI. They are specialists in Image Processing, Industrial Controls, Algorithms, VLSI, ED.
Sasisekar Krish was the Exicutive Director of Tie Hubli and he also worked has Consultant at Silvan Labs and Technology Consultant at KarMic Pvt.Ltd. He holds engineering degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has also studied at Indian Institute of Science and Bharathiar University.
Sasisekar Krish was the Exicutive Director of Tie Hubli and he also worked has Consultant at Silvan Labs and Technology Consultant at KarMic Pvt.Ltd. He holds engineering degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has also studied at Indian Institute of Science and Bharathiar University.