The Company Ken Agritech has been promoted by Vivek Naik and S Mazumdar, who have considerable experience in General Management and the Preserved Food Industry. The Reputed Belgian Processed food company Jogrex is the Joint Venture Partner. The KEN management team have been working in Gherkin Bulk and Botling Plants and have developed specific expertise in their functional areas relevant to the low acid preserved food industry.
The Agricultural, Manufacturing and all related operations of KEN are carried out from Hubli and the Head office is located in Bangalore, India's Silicon valley and bio-tech Capital. The agricultural operations are carried out through an agri-extension network with branch offices in the growung areas.The Products are shipped out of Goa, Mangalore, Chennai and Tuticorin Ports. KEN Agritech has 100% Export Oriented Units with European JV. Working with around 4000 small and Marginal farmers through contract farming..