“TiE Enterprise Exhibit 2012” is an unique initiative by TiE Hubli to promote businesses and networking amongst the business community. TiE Enterprise Exhibit will provide with an opportunity to showcase various business at one place and also generate business. This will also be an excellent networking platform for different business entities to explore new opportunities.
In 2012 also we are providing a platform for TiE Hubli Associate Members to showcase 25 different business module.
The TiE Enterprise Exhibit will be held on 26th May 2012 at Deshpande Foundation, BVB Engineering College Campus, Vidyanagar, Hubli from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. Entry will be completely free for visitors. For stall booking please contact Mr. Mahesh VK, Program Manager on 9448154063 or email at maheshvktiehubli@gmail.com