Mr. Prakash completed his Bachelor's degree in Electronics & Communication from Karnataka Regional Engineering College (KREC), Surathkal. He has over 15+ years of hardcore experience in the embedded domain. He is backed by many years of accumulated industry domain knowledge and a strong technical base through having successfully provided high value added Information Technology and Industrial Automation solutions to turnkey projects across the globe.Prakash has rich experience in several companies in India and abroad in various capacities. Armed with technology, knowledge and being inspired by our India s former President Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam s speech on India Vision 2020, he dreamed of building a team at Hubli and ventured into training engineering graduates in Embedded & Real-Time Systems. With a vision, he ignited few young minds and nurtured the foundation of Unified Softech. To achieve the vision he has continuously worked towards keeping the lamp of knowledge burning.